GSoC 2019

This summer will be a little bit interesting as I joined the Google Summer of Code (GSoC). The software I will be working on is Krita. Krita is a painting software I have been using for more than one year. Since the (pre)release of Krita 4.0, I use it to paint all my works.

Before using Krita, I used to use PaintToolSAI, and there are quite a lot of concepts and functionalities in it that I find really useful; after getting involved in the Krita community I am pretty lucky to be able to introduce these little shiny stars to our community, and even implement some of them.

My project for GSoC is on the undo/redo system in Krita. The system currently works using an undo stack to storage individual changes to the document, and invoking these commands to perform undos and redos. This system is complex and not easy to maintain. As Dmitry suggests, a better solution would be storing the states of the document as shallow copies, since it simplifies the system and make history brushes possible. It would be a rather huge and fundamental change in the code, and he recommends me to experiment with vector layers first.

Another part of the project, which is not a research, is the snapshot docker that would allow users to temporarily save some states of the document and return to them quickly at a later time. This is an enhancement on the GUI level, as the tile data in paint layers are shallow copied, making it possible to make a clone of the document relatively fast.

I will make more posts on KDE and Krita in the near future. Let's keep in touch! (.w.)